SAY WHAT Family Game is a simple questioning game.

the project

SAY WHAT Family Game is a simple questioning game. All the graphics and mockups are given by my client so, all I have to is to look and work how the client wants. The part which I like in this project is the research I did for this project and the future projects is to make a CI/CD pipeline to build and deploy the app to Apple's Appstore directly through git.

the challenge

SAY WHAT Family Game is a great project not in sense of how I created it rather how I deployed it to Apple's Appstore. It was quite a challenge for our company to get the latest version of Mac OS or xcode in the sense so, I came with the idea of building and deploying an Ionic React App which took a week of troubleshooting through git. I loved the way I learned how you can automate almost anythings now a days through CI/CD.

Experience the project live here